Yvonne's Trip of a Lifetime Fundriaiser

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Organized by Donna MarshAbout
Yvonne is dying. I recently asked her what she most wants to do or see before she dies, and she said she just wants to see her mother one more time. That doesn’t seem to be such a difficult request, but there are problems. Neither Yvonne nor her mother can fly, so we need to undertake a 3,200 mile round trip from Nashville to Tucson and back.. There are so many things Yvonne thought she'd have time to see and do, but now time is running out. We hope to make this the Trip of a Lifetime for Yvonne. This cookbook contains recipes that Yvonne has collected through the years: favorites, those handed down in the family, etc. We've put them together in this gook in hopes it will help pay for Trip of a Lifetime.
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