Mack Eplen's Best Kept Secrets Vol 2

Eplen Family Recipes - The Final Chapter
By Terri Eplen-Kleen

About This Book

I have worked on this book for a year gathering recipes from Mack's, as well as other family recipes. Helen made many things that she would serve at events that people enjoyed also. I have worked with my father who re-created the Square Burger that Mack was so popular for, among other things. The process that Mack used for his burgers are long gone, but 1 secret ingredient bring it "pretty darn close", my father says. I worked extremely hard to ensure accuracy on each recipe.


Last Published

About The Author

Terri Eplen-KleenMack & Helen Eplen were my Great Aunt & Uncle that owned Mack Eplen's in the Abilene, Texas area for many years before retiring. After 50 years, Mack is still well know for so many different recipes that everyone loved. Everyone had their own favorites. I wanted to bring this back to them to enjoy only again.